iceScrum v7.46
April 24, 2020We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new version of iceScrum: 7.46.
Core features
- Simpler sprint and release activation / closing procedures
- Update dates of a Release in “Done” state
- As a Product Owner, when creating a story in the Backlog the default state is “Accepted”
- Create roadmap snapshot from a button rather than a form
- Option to mark a story as in review when all its tasks are done
- Microsoft Teams integration
- Zoom video conferencing integration
- Discord integration
- iObeya integration
Bug fixes
- Sometimes a story appears twice in the estimate comparison table
- Creating a story from a story template containing a task with tags fails
- Too many emails are sent when stories are updated
- Inserting an image in rich text without alternative text does not work
- Clicking on an external link in rich text replaces the current page instead of opening a new tab
- Excel import fails when removing columns that have been matched automatically
- Sometimes clicking in planning timeline does nothing
- Sticky notes with white color are transparent instead
How to upgrade?
- If you are using our Cloud service: nothing to do, we have already upgraded iceScrum
- If you are using our standalone version (jar or war): download iceScrum and follow our upgrade guide
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