iceScrum v7.9.4
February 15, 2018We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new version of iceScrum: 7.9.4.
Core features
- Improved header with distinct style depending on workspace (home, project, portfolio)
- Improved public project list and visibility
- Improved story split view
- Deleting a story shows a confirm modal as all other delete menus instead of cancel option
- Always display the project dashboard for stakeholders
- …overall improved UI: more consistent, more user-friendly
- Portfolio for Large scale Scrum (Documentation)
- Roadmap: zooming now only zooms in the time axis
- Roadmap: dropdown to zoom to a specific release in a Roadmap
Bug fixes
- Notifications are still marked unread after being read
- The feature view sometimes misses features and needs a refresh
- Default availability cannot be decimal if current language is French
- PDF prints don’t work when using iceScrum from the Docker image
- Team members are not updated in the UI of dashboard & settings when updated from manage view
- Impossible to add two backlog chart widgets in the user home in a row
- Regression: import project with non-standard unicode character fails
- … many more
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