iceScrum | release Archives – iceScrum


Here comes iceScrum 7.0.0-beta.7.

This version brings the “Team availability” feature back, making a new step towards a final release. It works as before, including the recent addition of the useful Sprint Burndown Chart that compares the remaining time to the remaining availability.

Team availability

Apart from that, this new beta also fixes a few bugs and improves the overall performance of the application.

For any feedback (improvements of defect), you can create a story in our Sandbox: If you have any question, let us know in the comments section below!

We are now implementening the last “must-have” features so are now very close to the functional scope we want for a first public release!

Thanks for all the great feedback we receive. We are very glad to know that this version will be enjoyed both by our longstanding users and the newcomers.