iceScrum | Version R3#10 [UPDATED] – iceScrum

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Version R3#10 [UPDATED]

April 27, 2011

[UPDATE] Due to an issue between our timezone management and the HSQLDB, the R3#10 has been updated to R3#10.1. Upgrade from R3#9 / R3#10 to R3#10.1 is strongly recommended for people using the default bundle.

Also, if you use HSQLDB without the bundle, add this value : -Duser.timezone=UTC to JAVA_OPTS variable in the / catalina.bat of your Tomcat server.

Problem of timezone doesn’t affect iceScrum with MySQL.

Version R3#9 released 2 weeks ago introduced several novelties but was a little premature, containing two regressions that disturbed some users. To make up for this, this R3#10 corrects these bugs and brings several new features which we hope you will like. They are in response to user feedback from the forum or in the iceScrum backlog. So what’s new in R3#10 ?

  1. iceScrum speaks Chinese. As well as French, English, German and Spanish, we now have (simplified) Chinese thanks to the efforts of Steven Zhang,
  2. the estimation for a story can now be modified, even if it’s in neither the sprint plan nor the release plan (see story),
  3. there is no longer any limit to the number of files attached to an element (previously was 5),

Corrected bugs :

  • after story manipulation, the order in the backlog would sometimes be incorrect, possibly causing errors and instability,
  • in the sprint indicators for past sprints, the date was incorrectly shown as the current date,
  • in the project creation wizard, in the Practices section, certain choices had their checkboxes missing,
  • since version 3.9, a story (estimated) from the backlog can be directly associated with a sprint without going via the release plan  (drag and drop with the product backlog widget); however there were some errors in the order of the stories which have now been corrected,
  • a feature modified would change its order, becoming the first (the error appeared after the tenth feature)
  • timezone management during user creation has been corrected,
  • Jenkins works and the integration results are public.

Improved ergonomics :

  • start and end dates are displayed in the window banner for the release plan,
  • selecting stories in the release plan has been improved,
  • when the backlog is minimised in the left area, it is updated if the estimated stories list is modified,
  • in the timeline, the tool-tips provide more information on releases and sprints.

Known bugs  :

  • list of plugins is not up-to-date,
  • comments are not exported
  • a user cannot be deleted

[download_button bundle=”true” button=”Download bundle”] [download_button bundle=”false” button=”Download war”]

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  • Kagilum
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