While iceScrum supports writing down the result of a Retrospective meeting, it is not meant to be used during the meeting itself.
Neatro is here to the rescue! This online retrospective tool is integrated with iceScrum through this App.
If you are using iceScrum Cloud, then there is nothing to do on the iceScrum side! Otherwise, you need to ask your server administrator to enable it (starting from iceScrum 7.54).
From your Neatro retrospective, the App allows exporting individual actions items to iceScrum in order to ensure that they are taken into account in your next sprints.
You will have to authenticate with your iceScrum account and give Neatro the permission to access your projects.
An action item is exported as a new “Technical story” in the iceScrum Sandbox of the desired project.
Once it is created in iceScrum, it can advance in your workflow and insure that the necessary adaptation is performed (e.g. accept it in your Product Backlog, plan it into the next sprint, turn it into an Urgent Task in the current sprint).