Webhooks allow you to integrate iceScrum with third party web applications by allowing them to subscribe to iceScrum events. When one of these events is triggered, an HTTP POST request containing a JSON payload is sent to the configured URL.
Webhooks allow you to build elaborate integrations and customize your iceScrum experience. You can use them in combination with the iceScrum REST API. Using Webhooks is a great alternative to “polling” data on a regular basis, achieving the same result with a greater efficiency in ressource usage while requiring less work on your side.
To create a Webhook on your project, enable the App. Then, open your project settings under the “Webhooks” section when logged in as a Product Owner or ScrumMaster.
Then, define your Webhook:
The HTTP POST request generated for the event contains HTTP headers and a payload.
The payload contains the full JSON object associated to the event, e.g. the Story, as you would get it through the corresponding REST API.
In addition to the payload, the request contains specific HTTP headers:
If the HTTP requests fails 5 times in a row (the limit can be changed in the server administration) then the Webhook is automatically disabled in order to avoid generating too many errors.
You can define as many Webhooks as needed, and update or delete Webhooks at any time.
The “New Webhook” form is not the only way to create hooks. Indeed, they may be created through our REST API or through the use of other Apps (e.g. Zapier). Depending on where they come from, you may or may not have the ability to update them manually.