iceScrum | Inconsistencies in Sprint Dates – iceScrum

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  • #13140


    I have seen some inconsistencies in the start and end dates in the UI as well as what the REST API returns.

    For example:
    In the GUI sprint plan I see these dates:
    06/02/2015 – 06/15/2015

    In the GUI Release plan, I see these dates for the same sprint:
    06/02/2015 – 06/15/2015

    If I then Update the sprint via the Release plan with the GUI, I see these dates:
    06/03/2015 – 06/16/2015

    The REST API returns these dates for the same sprint:
    activationDate: 2015-06-03
    endDate: 2015-06-16
    startDate: 2015-06-03

    Is there a reason for these differences? Do they mean anything different?


    Nicolas Noullet

    Hi Caroline,

    Sorry for the late answer. Actually I have written an anwer before but it seemed that I never submitted it.

    This is a nasty long standing bug that affects projects which timezone is before UTC (which I assume is your case?). Sprint dates are mistakenly converted to the project timezone when they are displayed in the Sprint plan / Release plan, that is why they are shown one day before the date actually stored in iceScrum (the date shown in the Update / REST API).

    This issue should definitely be solved! However, many teams rely on the displayed dates, which are wrong, and fixing them will probably cause some trouble.

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