I’m unable to create tasks using the API.
I’ve been able to create stories, update stories, accept stories, plan stories to a sprint, get all features, get all sprints, and get all tasks using the API fairly well.
Here are 3 cURL requests that I made in series (with some information replaced):
curl -H «Accept: application/xml» -u user:password -k –request GET http://xxxxxxxx/icescrum/ws/p/PKEY/story/83
curl -H «Accept: application/xml» -u user:password -k –request GET http://xxxxxxxx/icescrum/ws/p/PKEY/sprint/3
curl -H «Accept: application/xml» -u user:password -k –request POST –verbose http://xxxxxxxx/icescrum/ws/p/PKEY/task -d «833CLAIM TASK<
The first 2 were successful; however, the 3rd request which is were I attempted to create the task had failed, and I believe it printed a stack trace. Here’s part of the response:
Grails Runtime Exception
Grails Runtime Exception
Error Details
Error 500: Executing action [save] of controlle
r [org.icescrum.web.presentation.app.TaskController] caused exception: Cannot i
nvoke method remove() on null object
Servlet: grails
URI: /icescrum/grails/task/save.dispatch
Exception Message: Cannot invoke method
remove() on null object
Caused by: Cannot invoke method remove(
) on null object
Class: CorsFilter
At Line: [66]
Code Snippet:
Stack Trace
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method remove()
at org.icescrum.web.presentation.app.TaskController$_closure4.doCall(Tas
at org.icescrum.web.presentation.app.TaskController$_closure4.doCall(Tas
at grails.plugin.springcache.web.GrailsFragmentCachingFilter.doFilter(Gr
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExec
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor
Any idea what I could have been doing wrong? Is there any more information that would be helpful for me to provide?