iceScrum | Close a sprint keeping its current status – iceScrum

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  • #18048


    First of all, I’d like to say that I appreciate Icescrum a lot and that I like most part of the decisions made to the product. But there’s one that bothers me: the need to declare as done all stories (and the need to have all acceptance tests as successfull and all tasks as done) or to shift the undone stories to next sprint in order to be able to close a sprint.

    It seems to me that it would be very nice to keep the record of stories, acceptance tests and tasks just as they were at the end of the sprint. For this to happen, I’d like to suggest that Icescrum:
    1. Allow a «Copy and shift to next sprint», besides the «Shift to next sprint».
    2. Allow to close the sprint keeping the exact status of stories, acceptance tests and tasks.

    Best regards.

    Nilton Garcia.


    Vincent Barrier


    Thank you for using iceScrum 🙂 and thank you for giving us your feedback on this post (and the other one).

    In an Agile / Scrum context, at the end of a sprint, what is important? Points. If something isn’t finished it should not remains in a done sprint. We also can’t copy stories to let them in the sprint because you will have 2 identical stories in your projects.

    What you want is some kind of «ghost» of the story. In order to don’t forget what you have done but, again in an Agile context, is it really matter? For us, the most important thing is to make it done and get more points for the velocity.

    So I don’t think we will go into this at least not like you suggest (copy).



    Hi, Vincent

    Thanks for your answer.

    I agree that what matters is getting backlog done (points). This goes well for the “micro” Agile context (Teams), but we are trying to introduce Agile in the complex context of a big company. If Agile mindset is difficult to understand even by the Team members, then what could we say about senior managers: they surely don’t understand Agile management and may want historical informations online (following the project) or even sometime after the end of a sprint (especially if the projects isn’t going well). So, I think it makes sense that we get the information they want easily from the tool. And, yes, some kind of “ghost story” would help ;-).

    I couldn’t understand why “We also can’t copy stories to let them in the sprint because you will have 2 identical stories in your projects”, since Icescrum already copies a story, letting the original in the sprint.



    Vincent Barrier

    I couldn’t understand why “We also can’t copy stories to let them in the sprint because you will have 2 identical stories in your projects”, since Icescrum already copies a story, letting the original in the sprint.

    It’s in order to keep all charts relevant.

    But I agree we can do better! Let see how a ghost story would take place in a closed sprint;



    Thank you

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