iceScrum Foros Discutir de iceScrum
- Este debate tiene 15 respuestas, 4 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 7 años, 8 meses por
Vincent Barrier.
29/05/2017 a las 2:31 pm #54830
TheDudeParticipanteAfter installer R7 version, the welcome page is broken :
{{ application.loadingText }}
Bienvenue !Bienvenue sur iceScrum ! Cet assistant va vous aider à configurer ce serveur.
Vous pouvez activer des fonctionnalités supplémentaires (intégration, administration etc.) et bénéficier de nos services de support en souscrivant à une licence iceScrum Pro. Si vous n’activez pas de licence Pro ou si elle a expiré alors la version gratuite et open source d’iceScrum, iceScrum Community, sera utilisée !Utilisez une nouvelle licence
{{ message(‘is.licenseable.ui.license.manage.retrieve’ + (license.exist ? » : ‘.trial’)) }}
Activez une licence gratuite de 14 jours
Une nouvelle licence a été importée avec succès, elle expire le {{ retrievedLicense.expirationDate | dayShort }}Remplacez votre licence par la licence importée
Sauvegarder AnnulerImportez une licence Pro Gérez votre licence manuellement – Créez un compte sur
Votre licence
Serveur ID 4f120cd6-143b-5cfe-34ef-82d500f02f86
Type de licence {{ message(license.exist ? ‘’ : ‘’) }}
Etat {{ stateName() }}
Date d’expiration {{ ? message(») : (license.expirationDate | dayShort) }}
Limite d’équipe(s) {{ license.nbTeams ? license.nbTeams : message(‘is.licenseable.ui.license.nbTeams.unlimited’) }}
Suivant Passer
Compte administrateurDéfinissez le nom d’utilisateur et le mot de passe du compte qui va être créé pour l’administration de votre serveur.
Mot de passe
Confirmer le mot de passe
Base de donnéesPar défaut, iceScrum utilise le SGBD H2, dont le nom d’utilisateur par défaut est ‘sa’ et le mot de passe vide. Ce système est suffisant pour essayer iceScrum mais il n’est pas fiable pour une utilisation en production, il faut alors définir la connexion à un SGBD externe (MySQL, PostgreSQL..).
Système de gestion de base de données {{ $ }} {{ }}
Mot de passe
EmailsConfigurez la connexion au serveur email. Un serveur email est requis pour les invitations, la réinitialisation des mots de passe et l’envoi de notifications.
Activer l’invitation d’utilisateurs par email
Activer la réinitialisation de mot de passe
Activer les notifications par mail
Adresse de l’expéditeur
Prefixe de l’objet du mail
Hôte du serveur mail
Port du serveur mail
Mot de passe
Configuration technique
Accès à iceScrumDéfinissez l’URL qui sera utilisée pour accéder à iceScrum. Elle sera utilisée dans les liens externes vers iceScrum.
URL du serveur
UtilisateursConfigurez l’accès de vos utilisateurs à iceScrum. Dans le doute, vous pouvez laisser les valeurs par défaut.
Activer l’enregistrement de nouveaux utilisateurs
Activer l’intégration Gravatar
ProjetsConfigurer les projets. Dans le doute, vous pouvez laisser les valeurs par défaut.
Activer l’import de projet
Activer l’export de projet
Activer la création de projet
Activer la création de projets privés
Nouveaux projets privés par défaut
Configuration avancéeDéfinissez les fichiers et dossiers qui seront utilisés par iceScrum. Les chemins relatifs seront définis à partir du répertoire de lancement d’iceScrum. Il faut s’assurer que l’utilisateur qui lance iceScrum a les droits en écriture sur tous ces fichiers et dossiers, sinon iceScrum ne pourra pas se lancer.
Repertoire de base
Repertoire de log
Activer les rapports d’utilisation
Activer les logs détaillés
Bravo, vous avez tout configuré ! Selon les choix que vous avez faits, vous devrez peut-être redémarrer iceScrum, sinon tout est prêt pour commencer vos projets !Sauvegarder la configuration
29/05/2017 a las 2:39 pm #54832
TheDudeParticipanteR7 is installed on a Mac OS V10.9.5
29/05/2017 a las 6:57 pm #54853
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Do you have javascript errors in the browser?
30/05/2017 a las 9:43 am #54923
Yes i have. See below :
application-8af238587fb1f870a25d601f5da84208.css Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET30/05/2017 a las 5:01 pm #55012
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
Could you provide additional information?
– The output of java -version
– The command you typed to start iceScrum
– Any error coming from the output of the startup command
– Any error in the /logs/icescrum.log fileThat’s the first time we got this error and iceScrum appears to work fine on Mac OS, there must be something specific to your installation.
31/05/2017 a las 9:09 am #55072
An other information, when i reach icescrum from a PC Computer, everything is ok. So strange. Hope u’ll find where is the problem. Below u’ll find all the information asked.
– The output of java -version
java version «1.8.0_131»
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)– The command you typed to start iceScrum
java -Xmx512M -jar icescrum.jar– Any error coming from the output of the startup command
External IP found, using it:
mai 31, 2017 7:09:10 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol init
INFOS: Initializing ProtocolHandler [«http-nio-»]
mai 31, 2017 7:09:10 AM getSharedSelector
INFOS: Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
mai 31, 2017 7:09:10 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
INFOS: Starting service Tomcat
mai 31, 2017 7:09:10 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine startInternal
INFOS: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/8.0.43
mai 31, 2017 7:09:10 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig getDefaultWebXmlFragment
INFOS: No global web.xml found
mai 31, 2017 7:09:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/icescrum] log
INFOS: Initializing AtmosphereFramework
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultAsyncSupportResolver).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
mai 31, 2017 7:09:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/icescrum] log
INFOS: AtmosphereFramework : Installed class org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport
mai 31, 2017 7:09:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/icescrum] log
INFOS: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
Server Timezone: UTC
Log directory: logs
Use configuration file from the iceScrum home: /Users/ECA/.icescrum/config.groovy
(*) grails.config.locations = [file:/Users/ECA/.icescrum/config.groovy]
mai 31, 2017 7:09:22 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/icescrum] log
INFOS: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
Server Timezone: UTC
Log directory: logs
Use configuration file from the iceScrum home: /Users/ECA/.icescrum/config.groovy
(*) grails.config.locations = [file:/Users/ECA/.icescrum/config.groovy]
Configuring Spring Security Core …
… finished configuring Spring Security CoreConfiguring iceScrum…
Configuring Spring Security ACL …
… finished configuring Spring Security ACL…objc[1702]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/libinstrument.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
tt tt ttt ttt tt EE EE EE EEE EEE E EE EE EEEE EEE
tt tt tt tt tt EE E EE EE E EE EE EEE EE
tt t tt ttt EEEE EE E E EE E EE EE ,
tt t tt ttt EEEE E EE E EE E EE EE ,,,,,,
tt t tt t EE EE EE E EE E E E ,,,,,,,
tt tt tt tt t EE EE E EE EE EE EE E E ,,,,,,
tt tt ttt ttt tt EEE EE EE EEE EE EE EEE E E ,,,,,,,
t tttttt ttttt EEEEEE EEEEEE EE EEEEE E E ,,,,,,,Version: Pro – Build date: Thu May 18 08:11:40 UTC 2017
Check our website for training, coaching or custom development:
Try for free or buy your iceScrum Pro license and start using its nice features:——————————————————–
iceScrum is running!
Open this URL in your browser:
To stop iceScrum, press CTRL+C or close the command line. To restart, stop iceScrum and start it again.
——————————————————–– Any error in the /logs/icescrum.log file
2017-05-31 07:09:29,512 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.hibernate4.HibernatePluginSupport – Set db generation strategy to ‘update’ for datasource DEFAULT
2017-05-31 07:09:32,687 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.cache.CacheBeanPostProcessor – postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry start
2017-05-31 07:09:32,691 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.cache.CacheBeanPostProcessor – postProcessBeanFactory
2017-05-31 07:09:34,373 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.cache.ehcache.GrailsEhCacheManagerFactoryBean – Initializing EHCache CacheManager
2017-05-31 07:09:38,342 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory – No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/private/var/folders/h8/jd_6kb816v52_72w_bk983th0000gn/T/standalone-war/embedded5760287020559491210-exploded-1496214547889/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-2.9.0.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
2017-05-31 07:09:48,263 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO CacheHeadersGrailsPlugin – Caching enabled in Config: true
2017-05-31 07:09:49,068 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.databasemigration.MigrationRunner – updateOnStart enabled for ‘dataSource’
2017-05-31 07:09:49,399 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO liquibase – Reading from DATABASECHANGELOG
2017-05-31 07:09:49,479 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.databasemigration.MigrationRunner – No migrations to run for ‘dataSource’
2017-05-31 07:09:50,054 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.filter.AnnotationSizeOfFilter – Using regular expression provided through VM argument net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.ignore.pattern for IgnoreSizeOf annotation : ^.*cache\..*IgnoreSizeOf$
2017-05-31 07:09:50,059 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.AgentLoader – Located valid ‘tools.jar’ at ‘/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_131.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/../lib/tools.jar’
2017-05-31 07:09:50,069 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.JvmInformation – Detected JVM data model settings of: 64-Bit HotSpot JVM with Compressed OOPs
2017-05-31 07:09:50,307 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.AgentLoader – Extracted agent jar to temporary file /var/folders/h8/jd_6kb816v52_72w_bk983th0000gn/T/ehcache-sizeof-agent6697254136452793986.jar
2017-05-31 07:09:50,307 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.sizeof.AgentLoader – Trying to load agent @ /var/folders/h8/jd_6kb816v52_72w_bk983th0000gn/T/ehcache-sizeof-agent6697254136452793986.jar
2017-05-31 07:09:50,315 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.impl.DefaultSizeOfEngine – using Agent sizeof engine
2017-05-31 07:09:50,321 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.impl.DefaultSizeOfEngine – using Agent sizeof engine
2017-05-31 07:09:50,328 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.cache.CacheGrailsPlugin – Clearing cache grailsTemplatesCache
2017-05-31 07:09:50,334 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO grails.plugin.cache.CacheGrailsPlugin – Clearing cache grailsBlocksCache
2017-05-31 07:09:50,342 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.GrailsConfigUtils – [GrailsContextLoader] Grails application loaded.
2017-05-31 07:09:50,362 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.grails.plugins.atmosphere_meteor.conf.AtmosphereMeteorBootStrap – Initializing atmosphereMeteor bean ….
2017-05-31 07:09:50,470 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO CacheHeadersGrailsPlugin – Caching enabled in Config: true
2017-05-31 07:09:50,714 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact BacklogsEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,717 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact ScmEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,719 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact BugtrackerEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,721 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact AvailabilityEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,724 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact AdminEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,726 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact TemplateEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,727 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact UpVoteEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,730 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact TaskboardEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,733 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact CloudAttachmentsEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,736 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN org.icescrum.plugins.entryPoints.EntryPointsDeclarationsFactory – entries artefact ExcelEntryPoints mapper element is not loadable
2017-05-31 07:09:50,768 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.impl.DefaultSizeOfEngine – using Agent sizeof engine
2017-05-31 07:09:50,771 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO net.sf.ehcache.pool.impl.DefaultSizeOfEngine – using Agent sizeof engine
2017-05-31 07:09:50,895 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN net.sf.ehcache.DiskStorePathManager – diskStorePath ‘/var/folders/h8/jd_6kb816v52_72w_bk983th0000gn/T’ is already used by an existing CacheManager either in the same VM or in a different process.
The diskStore path for this CacheManager will be set to /var/folders/h8/jd_6kb816v52_72w_bk983th0000gn/T/ehcache_auto_created8821568066761100899diskstore.
To avoid this warning consider using the CacheManager factory methods to create a singleton CacheManager or specifying a separate ehcache configuration (ehcache.xml) for each CacheManager instance.
2017-05-31 07:09:51,105 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.atmosphere.container.JSR356AsyncSupport – JSR 356 Mapping path /stream/app
2017-05-31 07:09:51,131 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.atmosphere.interceptor.HeartbeatInterceptor – HeartbeatInterceptor configured with padding value ‘X’, client frequency 30 seconds and server frequency 0 seconds
2017-05-31 07:09:51,135 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.atmosphere.interceptor.HeartbeatInterceptor – HeartbeatInterceptor configured with padding value ‘X’, client frequency 30 seconds and server frequency 0 seconds
2017-05-31 07:09:51,204 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.atmosphere.util.ForkJoinPool – Using ForkJoinPool java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool. Set the org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.maxAsyncWriteThreads to -1 to fully use its power.
2017-05-31 07:09:51,216 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletProcessor – Installing Servlet org.icescrum.atmosphere.IceScrumMeteorHandler
2017-05-31 07:09:51,245 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/icescrum] – Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet ‘grails’
2017-05-31 07:09:51,298 [main] INFO org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol – Starting ProtocolHandler [«http-nio-»]Have a good day.
31/05/2017 a las 6:10 pm #55145
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorThanks for the additional information.
Do you use the same URL in the browser to open iceScrum from the PC than on the Mac?
Can you try with another browser on the mac? Do you have anything specific regarding network on the Mac? (VPN, proxy, firewall…)
01/06/2017 a las 9:34 am #55176
Yes, of course i use the same URL 🙂
I tried with another browser on the mac, unfortunately the problem is the same. And about the network, I have nothing like that 🙁Regards
02/06/2017 a las 9:23 am #55274
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorWhich browser is used? Does it have plugins? can you try on different browsers?
02/06/2017 a las 9:23 am #55275
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorWhich browser is used? Does it have plugins? can you try on different browsers?
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