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Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
Thanks for your feedback, we are glad that you like the new version!
In theory, making two versions of iceScrum cohabit (regardless of them being 6 & 7) doesn’t work out of the box because by default they will store their configuration files in the same directory on your filesystem. These default directories are defined according to the user home of the user who starts iceScrum.
The solution consists in making them store their files in different places. A workaround to achieve this result consists in starting iceScrum with different Linux users, which is apparently what you are doing!
I suspect that it doesn’t work because the icescrum7 user lacks the permissions to create directories in its home directories, namely icescrum and .icescrum or in the directory from where you start it (logs and the default DB are created there by default).
An other way to achieve a similar result consists in overriding the default locations by providing additional configuration to each server. I can help you if you want to go that way.
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
Sure, in the main menu bar some menus are shown and some are hidden under an «arrow» icon.
One of them is named «Finder». Open it, click on the «Stories» panel to expand it, select your feature and then click on Search below.
09/03/2017 a las 6:16 pm en respuesta a: Migration de projets de la version 6 vers la version 7 #47856
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorBonjour,
La partie technique de la migration pour un serveur Standalone est quasiment prête. Nous travaillons à la mise à jour des ressources documentaires et la préparation de la migration Cloud pour que les conditions soient optimales pour tout le monde.
Etant donné qu’on a une exigence minimale sur le scope et la qualité, dur de fixer un délai mais je dirais que la migration sera disponible publiquement d’ici un mois.
09/03/2017 a las 5:17 pm en respuesta a: Where is the link to download : IceScrum R6#14.6 for community license #47813
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorThere is no separate download. Just download iceScrum from and by default you will have iceScrum under the «Community» license, which is entirely free.
If you want, you can activate a «Pro» license to get more features. You can ask for a free 14 days iceScrum Pro license on your account on this website. Once expired, the license gets back to «Community».
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
In order to be displayed in the left table and to be planned in a sprint, a story needs to be in the «Estimated» state, the state that comes after «Accepted».
An «Accepted» from the «Product Backlog» moves to the «Estimated» state when it is estimated by a team member or ScrumMaster (Product Owner(s) cannot estimate a story).
In order to estimate the effort of a story (usually in story points), a member just has to click on the «?» on the post-it and select a value.
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
If I shutdown the Mac and restart, does icescrum start automatically?
No, you will have to start it manually
Can I use the command “…” to restart icescrum and see all my projects?
It is possible to automate the fact that a command is started upon Mac restart. There are several ways to do so (nothing specific to iceScrum), here is one that is likely to be the easiest:
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi Adrien,
There is no such API for the moment, but one should be available in the next major version which is due soon.
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorAvez-vous une erreur dans les logs d’iceScrum ? 503 indique une erreur du serveur, il faudrait déterminer si elle vient bien d’iceScrum
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorIn order to be sure of the reason that caused this issue, can you tell me if you changed anything in the «Database» section?
Here is a bit of context, the result of the setup wizard is a file named config.groovy that is created on your filesystem.
iceScrum attempts to create this file in the home directory of the user who starts iceScrum. More specifically, it first creates a directory named «.icescrum» in your home directory and then creates the config file in this directory.
There are good chances that iceScrum lacks the permissions to create this directory so you will have to either grant it the permissions or create the directory manually.
Depending on the user & OS, the path may differ so I can’t tell you where to do it exactly. Please note that in most OS, directories starting by a dot are hidden by default so keep that in mind when creating it.
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorBonjour,
Pour ce qui est d’iceScrum, dans
il faut indiquer l’URL complète, incluant le protocol et le chemin de l’application :
En revanche le reste n’a rien à voir avec iceScrum, c’est normal que votre configuration modifiée ne fonctionne pas. En effet, vous dites en gros à Apache de rediriger le traffic de vers, ce qui ne mène pas à grand chose. Dans
il faut laisser comme cible l’URL dont le domaine est l’IP de la machine, comme vous l’aviez fait initialement.
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorGlad to know that you found a solution, thank you for sharing it here so the community can use it! 🙂
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorBonjour,
Je vois un problème dans votre config Apache, vous avez activé à la fois le forward proxy et le reverse proxy. Il faudrait désactiver le forward proxy :
ProxyRequests Off
De plus, vous devez informer iceScrum de sa nouvelle URL publique via le setting grails.serverURL du fichier config.groovy :, dans ce cas vous ne pourrez plus utiliser l’IP pour accéder à iceScrum, l’outil ne pouvant être exposé que sur une seule URL, celle définie par grails.serverURL.
Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas, pouvez-vous nous indiquer les symptômes exacts?
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorAre you sure that the IP address you use in the java command is the same as your machine?
28/10/2016 a las 11:15 am en respuesta a: problem with Activities and e-mails using docker icescrum/icescrum #38393
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorHi,
You told me «As I see, in the fluxiable… tables rows appears when ,for example, I add new task.».
Task activities are not supposed to be shown on the dashboard, only the story ones. Can you check if entries are added in the fluxiable table rows when you create a user story in the sandbox?
If not, there must be an error in the logs. You can enable verbose logging to be sure to get the whole error:
icescrum.debug.enable = true25/10/2016 a las 4:37 pm en respuesta a: problem with Activities and e-mails using docker icescrum/icescrum #38226
Nicolas NoulletSuperadministradorCan you try restarting the server and check again?
Also, what version of iceScrum are you using?