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Respuestas de foro creadas
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorBonjour Pascal,
Sur quel projet en particulier ? Il faut peut être activer l’app liée aux disponibilités. Pour ce faire depuis le menu projet :
– Apps & integrations
– Cliquer sur Team availabilities
– Enable for the project
– Fermer la popup
– Allez dans settings du projet pour configurer les options des disponibilitésVous devriez retrouver votre graphique;
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Do you have a trial / license enabled ? What is the content of your config.groovy?
Did you add ojdbc6.jar ?07/06/2017 a las 6:49 pm en respuesta a: IceScrum v7: Login and primary pages not refreshing correctly in Firefox #55732
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Do you have any error in the browser logs? With which browsers did you try? Any particular plugin on these browsers ?
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
thank you for the feedback. It has been added! You should see that in the next version 🙂
02/06/2017 a las 9:26 am en respuesta a: This email is already used by another account – email #55276
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
We find a bug around this:
Can you try with this war:
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorWhich browser is used? Does it have plugins? can you try on different browsers?
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorWhich browser is used? Does it have plugins? can you try on different browsers?
29/05/2017 a las 6:58 pm en respuesta a: This email is already used by another account – email #54854
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Are you trying to import projects on the v7? Could you give the used version?
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Do you have javascript errors in the browser?
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
It seems that your config.groovy isn’t being used by iceScrum. You didn’t added the path in the command line to the config.groovy file :
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Could you share iceScrum.log / catalina.out files after a try with email configuration ?
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
Could you share your config details and logs?
(especially: java version, tomcat version, icescrum version)
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorFixed, problem was due to a change on your server ID so your license key wasn’t valid anymore.
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHello,
We can confirm that it is a false positive. This url (stream/app) is used to keep your browser connected and receive notifications from your iceScrum server without refresh (Push technology).
No malware here 🙂
Vincent BarrierSuperadministradorHi,
Sorry for not having followed up on your previous message, with holidays and our work on iceScrum 7 we had very little time to dedicate the community forum lately.
Is your «TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS» problem solved?
Regarding your second question, all other DBMS are included in Community but Oracle required a lot of specific work to be supported so it is not available in Community, it’s only available with a Pro license.
By the way, no question is stupid, feel free to ask we are glad to help!