Thanks for your detailed report.
A way to trouble shoot this would consist in trying to isolate the problem.
If several browsers are affected then this looks like a network issue. You may first check the browser console and see what is the status of the HTTP response you get. There may be an explanation in the HTTP headers as well.
You may also use the command line to access iceScrum e.g.
wget http://<ip>:8080/icescrum
If it still doesn’t work, then you may then try from another network connection, e.g. ethernet if you were using the Wi-Fi (and vice-versa). This will change your IP address as well as the network devices between you and iceScrum so the outcome may change.
You may also switch from ethernet to another ethernet cable or from Wi-FI to another Wi-Fi hotspot but there are less chances of success.
If your iceScrum server is accessible from the Internet then switching to another Internet connexion would also be very interesting.