iceScrum | Team availability – iceScrum

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  • #52185


    it looks like changing the team members has no effect on the availability for the already created sprints.
    So even if the sprint is not started, the team is frozen at creation time.
    In my case it’s an issue because we create all the releases and sprints at the begining of the project and we feed them with stories when needed. So when team changes occur during development, we have no way to add/remove member from the availability table.


    Nicolas Noullet
    Maître des clés


    Are you using iceScrum on your own server or on our Cloud platform? If the former, which version?

    Team members updates are expected to be reflected in the availability table, as explained here:, so you may have come across a bug.

    Can you try removing/adding members again?



    I followed the proposed process. I remove and delete members with no effect on the « in progress » sprint or even planned sprints. So when I click on « Project team » a get a list of people and when I click on « availabilitiy » for the « in progress » sprint I get another different list of people.

    We use Icescrum on our own server.
    Our version: R6#14.10 Pro Standalone
    Thanks for your help.


    Nicolas Noullet
    Maître des clés

    That’s really strange, can you check is there is any error in the logs at the time you add them back? (catalina.out and icescrum.log)

    Another approach you can try is disabling and then enabling availabilities again. Be careful, you will lose every availability entered for the sprints after the current one.

    You can also upgrade to R6#14.11 which offers a new availability + remaining time burndown chart:

    [UPDATE] Version R6#14.11

    Upgrade guide



    I tryto disable/enable availabilities and I can see the changes in my team for the planned sprint.
    For the current sprint, I see something strange: the deleted people are always in and the newly added people are there also!
    For the moment, I can manage this behaviour.
    Thanks a lot for your help and I hope this issue will be fixed in the future.


    Nicolas Noullet
    Maître des clés

    Glad that it is enough for you. Actually, this is the expected behaviour as described in the documentation: deleted people might have worked on the current sprint so removing them could be wrong, that’s why they are only removed from upcoming sprints.

    We did not manage to reproduce the issue so it is hard to fix at the moment. However, the new version of iceScrum that will be available soon changes a lot under the hood and hopefully the issue will be gone.

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