Here is an estimated minimal server configuration:
Please note that hardware requirements highly depend on your use of the tool (total number of users, number of concurrent users, other applications running on your machine…).
We recommend the use of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long Term Support). However, iceScrum can be used with other Linux distributions, Windows and Mac OS.
iceScrum R6 requires Java 6 or 7. Java 8 support is not available yet, it will be available in iceScrum v7.
You can download the latest Java 7 version for your platform here. If you already have another version of Java installed, it is not a problem: different versions can cohabit.
Be sure that the Java executable, java, is accessible (e.g. on Windows you can add its path to your PATH environment variable if necessary) by typing this in the Command Line:
java -version
iceScrum is a Java web application so it needs to run on a Java web application server. However, we provide a convenient package which already contains both iceScrum and a preconfigured Tomcat server under the form of a Java ARchive (JAR) file: icescrum.jar.
If you want to define a custom external URL different than the local URL, this is not possible with icescrum.jar but you can install iceScrum as a Java Web Application ARchive (WAR) file and on a custom application server for a custom URL configuration.
First, download the icescrum.jar file here:
Then, open a command line interface (e.g. Terminal on Mac or cmd on Windows) and open your download folder (using cd on Mac or dir on Windows). Provided that the java exectuable is accessible in your command line, type the following command to start iceScrum:
java -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar icescrum.jar
The command may take a few minutes to start iceScrum. Then, open the URL provided in the command line in your favorite browser. It should display the iceScrum setup wizard that will help you configure your iceScrum server.
You can optionally customize the iceScrum URL by providing additional arguments to the command :
This URL must be the same internally and externally. If you want a custom URL then you rather need to install a custom application server.
Here is an example with custom options to open iceScrum on http://myhost:8081/app:
java -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -jar icescrum.jar host=myhost port=8081 context=app
A very important step is the choice of your database management system. iceScrum comes with an embedded HSQLDB database so you can try iceScrum without needing to install or configure a DBMS. However, it is NOT suitable for production environments in terms of reliability and performances.
Thus, we recommend the use of one of the external DBMS compatible with iceScrum: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server or Oracle. If you do so, create and empty database for iceScrum, usually named icescrum, with a sensible charset/collation: we strongly recommend UTF-8.
With PostgresQL, be careful, you have to use the “public” schema otherwise iceScrum won’t restart.
Then, provide the JDBC connection URL (which is pre-filled according to the DBMS you chose) that includes your database name and iceScrum will take care of creating the database structure.
If the setup refuses to go to the next step then please check that the settings entered in the current step are correct.
With Oracle, after the end of the setup and before the subsequent restart, add this to your config.groovy file:
dataSource.dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"
Several important iceScrum features rely on the ability to send email. Such features are invitations, notifications when stories are updated and password retrieval. For that, iceScrum requires an external SMTP server.
You will need to enter the email server host, port and your username/password if your server requires authentication.
Then, you may have to add a technical setting in the “Setting” field:
Once iceScrum is configured, depending on the settings you have changed, you may have to restart it. To do so, just kill the command and start it again. Then, you can start using it and follow the getting started guide.
The settings you have chosen can be updated later:
Any trouble using iceScrum? You should find some help here.
You may want to get help for your install and configuration. iceScrum developers can help you! We can install and configure your iceScrum server (contact us) and iceScrum Pro Standalone comes with dedicated support (email, skype, phone).
Here are some common issues and how to solve them:
Here are some common errors in icescrum logs and their meaning:
If this did not help you find the cause of your problem, please read the following sections about logs.
You should find a logs directory in the directory where you started Tomcat from or in the custom directory you have defined.
You may want to enable more log information. If you are using iceScrum Pro, you have to enable verbose logging in the settings administration. Otherwise, enable the debug setting in your config.groovy file:
icescrum.debug.enable = true
Then, have a look at the icescrum.log file. If you have an iceScrum Pro license then please contact us, we will be happy to help! Otherwise, post your issue with the logs on our community forums in order to get help.